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ICACT2025 Conference Program / Proceedings
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Title : Web 3.0 Ecosystem for New Digital Economy
Time : Feb. 17 (mon) 15:30 ~ 16:15 (Draft) |
Speaker : Prof. Jun Kyun Choi, Ph.D, KAIST Korea
Prof. Jun Kyun Choi received the B.Sc. (Eng.) from Seoul National University in electronics engineering, Seoul, Korea in 1982, and M.Sc (Eng.) and Ph.D degree in 1985 and 1988, respectively, in electronics engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). From June 1986 until December 1997, he was with the Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI). In January 1998, he joined the Information and Communications University (ICU), Daejeon, Korea as Professor. At year 2009, he moves to Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) as Professor. From August 2011 to 2014, he worked for IT Convergence Center under KAIST Institute as Director. Dr. Choi was an active member of ITU-T Study Group 13 as a Rapporteur or Editor from January 1993 on the ATM, MPLS, and NGN issues. He is Head of Korean Delegation (1993 - 2010) and the working group chairman of IPTV Focus Group (year 2006 – 2007). He had submitted more than 500 contributions at ITU-T and more than 50 drafts on IETF. Currently, he is an editor on Technical Report ¡°Trustworthy Data Infrastructure for Web3.0¡± at Web3 Adhoc group of ITU-T SG13.
Abstract :
This presentation first introduces the concept of Web3.0 and the evolution of the future knowledge society. Second, it briefly introduces the meaning of digital assets and the main applications of the Web3.0 ecosystem. Third, it investigates the technical issues of digital asset trading, including ownership, privacy, smart contracts, online/offline digital wallets, etc. Data governance using the DAO concept and reliable ID/key managements are other hot topics. Finally, many stakeholders (e.g. Web3.0 service providers, brokers/agents, digital wallet providers, verifiable credentials, etc.) will create the new Web3.0 ecosystem of the future. It also introduces the standardization activities
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Title : Title: Vision-based Interaction Approaches for Manipulating AR Object
Time : Feb. 17 (mon) 16:30~17:15 (Draft) |
Speaker : Prof. Jun-Chul Chun, Kyonggi University Korea
Junchul Chun is currently a professor in the department of computer science and a principal investigator in the Graphics and Image Processing Research Laboratory at Kyonggi University, Suwon South Korea. He received a B.S. degree from Chung-Ang University majoring in computer science. He also received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the department of computer science and engineering at the University of Connecticut, CT., U.S.A, in 1992 and 1995, respectively. He was a visiting research scholar in PRIP (Pattern Recognition and Image Processing) at Michigan State University and University of Colorado at Boulder, 2001 and 2009 respectively. He served as a president of KSII (Korean Society of Internet and Information) during 2015 and an acting president of Kyonggi University from June 2021 to July 2022. His major research fields are Augmented Reality, Computer Vision, and Human Computer Interaction.
Abstract :
Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology which allows virtual graphic imagery to exactly overlay physical objects in real time. Interaction is one of the things that sets augmented reality apart from passive mediums. By creating experiences that listen, adapt, and respond to participants you make room for them in the conversation. Recently developed tracking and interaction methods in AR allow users to work with and examine the real physical world, while controlling augmented objects in the system more feasible fashion. In this talk, I¡¯ll present some case studies of vision-based approaches to control augmented object in a dynamic fashion. Firstly, a vision-based hand mouse to manipulate virt
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Title : XPM - eXplainable Process Mining
Time : Feb. 16 (Sun) Afternoon |
Speaker : Prof. Kwanghoon Pio Kim, Ph.D. KYONGGI UNIVERSITY, Korea
Kwanghoon Pio Kim is a Full Professor in the Division of AI Computer Science and Engineering as well as the Founder and Supervisor of the Data and Process Engineering Research Laboratory, Kyonggi University, South Korea. At Kyonggi University, he had been the Dean of the Computerization and Informatics Institute from 2017 to 2021; Since 2007, he has been in charge of the Founder and the Director of the Contents Convergence Software Research Institute, where he has been leading and fulfilling a multi-million-dollar research project that will be continuously supported and funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea, from 2020 to 2029. In 2020, the institute was officially designated as the National Science and Engineering Research Institute by the Ministry of Education, South Korea, and it was selected as the Kyonggi¡¯s Representative Research Institute in 2024 by Kyonggi University. He received B.S. degree in computer science from Kyonggi University in 1984. And he received M.S. degree in computer science from Chungang University in 1986. He also received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the computer science department at the University of Colorado Boulder, in 1994 and 1998, respectively. He had worked as researcher and developer at Aztek Engineering, American Educational Products Inc., and IBM in USA, as well as at Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) in South Korea. From 2023 to 2024, he had fulfilled the presidency of the KSII (Korean Society for Internet and Information).
Abstract :
The workflow (and business process) literature has been looking for efficient redesigning and reengineering approaches because of not only that workflow and business process models are becoming massively large-scaled and complicated, but also, nevertheless, that their life-cycle and recycling (redesigning & reengineering) periods are becoming swiftly shorter. As depicted in the teaser-figure, the business process life-cycle management with business process redesign, reengineering, and restructuring approaches is needed to be supported by a process mining system performing the process discovery and rediscovery functionality. The process mining system is based upon the workflow and business pr
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Title : Regional Innovation of Industrial AI Transformation(AIX)
Time : Feb. 16 (Sun) Afternoon |
Speaker : Prof. KWON YEONG-IL, PhD. Dean of Graduate School of MOT, Hoseo University, Korea
Kwon Yeong-il is currently a Professor at the Graduate School of Management of Advanced Technology at Hoseo University, South Korea. He received the M.Sc. degree from the Department of Computer Science, KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) in 1998 and the Ph.D. degree in the Department of IT Service Management from Soongsil University in 2015.
Dr. Kwon made a lot of contributions to the national ICT services while serving as a General Director at the National Information Society Agency, so called NIA for implementing e-Government, Big data and AI, Open Government Data for many years. He was also a Member of the Big data Policy Committee on National Tax Agency and National Statistics Agency. He has published many books and articles on Big data, Global management of technology, etc. His research interests include big data, platform business, mobile edge computing and smart factory
Abstract :
: AI Transformation (AX) requires establishing a strategic direction to innovate manufacturing industry and service innovation with the adaptation of AI technology. Industrial digital transformation requires technology innovation that applies AI, cloud computing and IoT in the factories of semiconductor, automobile, and manufacturing companies at the region. Hoseo University is located in Chungnam Province which has many industrial complexes for small and medium-sized businesses (more than 27,000 companies). As one of the cutting-edge technologies in the manufacturing field, cloud computing and AI should be implemented in the ABL (Actual-Task Base Learning) model to solve technical issues in
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