IEEE/ICACT20230046 Slide.05        [Big Slide]       [YouTube] Oral Presentation
Blockchain Technology is a distributed ledger technology that ensures unique state replication across the participating nodes in a tamper-proof and time-stamped manner. The data once stored cannot be modified or deleted. This is because data will be stored in the form of a block whose header contains a hash of the previous block and so on. The same process of appending a new block to the existing chain of blocks in each of the participating nodes will be ensured by the consensus algorithms in the Blockchain network. Hence, to modify data in the Blockchain network, an attacker not only has to recompute the hash of the corresponding block but also the hash of the next blocks up to the end block. And this entire effort has to be replicated in each and every participating node of the Blockchain network. Considering the effort required to modify the data in the Blockchain network we can be assured of the security and integrity of the data that is stored in the Blockchain network. To the best of our knowledge, a unified approach where evidence collection in a tamper-proof and time-stamped manner and maintenance of the same based on consensus among its stakeholders in a distributed storage system on one side and presenting the standards conformance along with perceived severity level in the whole system on another side is not present. We addressed this problem in our paper.

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