IEEE/ICACT20230046 Slide.09        [Big Slide]       [YouTube] Oral Presentation
In table 1, column 1 represents the description of the control being monitored, and column 2 represents the Cloud Control Matrix control domain to which the control name is mapped. When monitoring of a control name is implemented based on CIS benchmark metrics, its security threat perception can be graded in accordance with the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) score. The combination of the control name, its mapping to the control domain, and its CVSS score thus form the security assessment policy framework from which the overall compliance with all critical resources of the business entity can be ascertained. The CVSS score could be one of None, Low, Medium, High or Critical. The controls mentioned here are related to assessing resources capability w.r.t monitoring file system integrity, password policy verification, firewall rules, network processes that are running with login shell, improper ssh configuration etc.

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