IEEE/ICACT20230046 Slide.11        [Big Slide]       [YouTube] Oral Presentation
In order to realize the effectiveness of the policy framework the policy has to be implemented as a software module. Fig 2 here depicts the system architecture which implements the proposed security policy framework using Blockchain Technology. We used Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) as a blockchain platform. In each resource that is being monitored, there will be an agent program running hereinafter called ¡®Agent¡¯. The agent program reads the log contents from the respective resource corresponding to each observable control as defined in table 1, encapsulates the same in a JSON object format, and transfers the same to the Blockchain platform. During this process each resource that is being monitored encrypts the JSON object using its private key and the same will be sent to the HLF Blockchain node. The array containing error ids represents events where policy violations have been detected.

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