IEEE/ICACT20220132 Slide.21        [Big Slide]       [YouTube] Oral Presentation
As a summary, in this paper, we proposed an acceleration method of a client based DNSSEC validation system in parallel with two full service resolvers. The first try of domain name resolution took about 100-150 milliseconds and the results will be cached on the end client if the validation successes. From the second try on the same client the domain name resolution took 20-40 milliseconds. If we use the parallel query to a cache DNS server, the first try with DNSSEC took 10 seconds if the validation was performed from the root DNS server. Therefore, in the proposed system, the first try for a domain name resolution will use the client based DNSSEC validation system. On the other hand, the first try on other clients for the same domain name resolution, it took 25-60 milliseconds. Accordingly, in the proposed system, the acceleration of the first try of name resolution on other clients has been realized.

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