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2024-09-14, Week 37
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IEEE/ICACT20220353 Question.1
Questioner:    2022-02-14 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:37:06
IEEE/ICACT20220353 Answer.1
Answer by Auhor   2022-02-14 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:37:06
In your research, please explain how you used the DFD for STRIDE analysis? Good Morning! My research was very simple. I draw the DFD from open source code in the Firestorm Webcam system, and then, I initiated STRIDE analysis based on the DFD from the source code. It requires a lot of zero-based knowledge however, it is important to process to initiate. these two analyses create a result that webcam faced a significant threat.

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