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IEEE/ICACT20220132 Question.5
Questioner:    2022-02-15 ¿ÀÈÄ 6:04:32
IEEE/ICACT20220132 Answer.5
Answer by Auhor   2022-02-15 ¿ÀÈÄ 6:04:32
Dear Author, you have a good research. In many engineering work it's hard to address issues all at the same time. Somehow to address some issues you need to trade or give up some advantages. In your work, what specific aspect(s) was/were sacrificed or ignored to achieve your goal. Like for example, the more complex encryption becomes the more hardware becomes more expensive and complex too. Thank you very much for your question. As you mentioned, in order to achieve the advantages sometimes we have to sacrifice something. In the proposed method, we need to deploy and install extra applications including DNS proxy and DNS full-service resolver on an end client which may increase the workload of the end client. Moreover, the proposed method also generates some extra network traffic for the same DNS name resolution. However, by using the proposed method, the end client can conduct secure DNS name resolution on end client which cannot covered by DNSSEC.

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