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The future work includes four tasks. The first one is performance improvement for the specific process. The second one is to conditionally stop the DNSSEC validation on end clients when it receives responses from the DNSSEC enabled cache DNS server. The third one is to improve the performance of client DNSSEC validation system with changing the server configuration and packet process procedure. The last one is to consider the topology of cache DNS servers in the proposed system.

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As a summary, in this paper, we proposed an acceleration method of a client based DNSSEC validation system in parallel with two full service resolvers. The first try of domain name resolution took about 100-150 milliseconds and the results will be cached on the end client if the validation successes. From the second try on the same client the domain name resolution took 20-40 milliseconds. If we use the parallel query to a cache DNS server, the first try with DNSSEC took 10 seconds if the validation was performed from the root DNS server. Therefore, in the proposed system, the first try for a domain name resolution will use the client based DNSSEC validation system. On the other hand, the first try on other clients for the same domain name resolution, it took 25-60 milliseconds. Accordingly, in the proposed system, the acceleration of the first try of name resolution on other clients has been realized.

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This slide shows the evaluation results comparing the four types of DNS queries on client2. From the results, we can see the the latency of the previously proposed client based DNSSEC validation system was the biggest one as well.Then the latency of the case when there is cache on the client is the smallest. Moreover, when there is no cache on the client the latency of using the specific process in the parallel query is the smallest one.

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This slide shows the evaluation results comparing for types of DNS queries in client1. From the results, we can see that when we used the specific process for the parallel query the name resolution latency is the smallest. While the latency of the previously proposed client based DNSSEC validation system was the biggest.

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This slide shows the evaluation results on client2.When there is no cache hit on the client and the cache DNS server, the name resolution for took 106 milliseconds and 17.6 milliseconds when there was cache on the client. When we used the proposed system, in case of using fork function it took about 33.6 milliseconds and 24.4 milliseconds when we used the specific process. From the results, we can see that the overhead of using fork function causes 10 milliseconds more latency.

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This slide shows the evaluation results on client1. We measured the latency of name resolution for domain name first try on the client based DNSSSEC validation took 13.7 milliseconds and from the second try it took 46.4 milliseconds. In the proposed system, when we used the fork function it took 60.2 milliseconds and when we used the specific process it took 48.6 milliseconds.

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We used two physical servers and several virtual machines in the prototype system. We used Perl language and Perl modules in the proposed system as shown in this slide.

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We implemented 2 types of prototype systems using Perl language. The first type was implemented using fork function. In this type, when the system receives a DNS query, a child process will be created and the child process conducts the normal query and the query on the previously proposed client based DNSSEC validation system. The second type was implemented by creating a specific name resolution process. In this type, the specific process conducts normal DNS query and the previously proposed client based DNSSEC validation system works as usual. As a result, two processes reply DNS responses individually. We evaluated the two types of prototype systems and compared them with the conventional DNS name resolution method.

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From the second time of DNS query for the same domain name, since the validation finished DNS resource records have been cached in the DNSSEC enabled cache DNS server, thus the response from the DNSSEC enabled cache DNS Server will be fast. Accordingly, the response from the DNSSEC disabled cache DNS Server will need validation on the client, thus the response will be late and dropped.

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This figure shows the procedure of domain name resolution in the proposed system. The client sends DNS query to DNSSEC enabled cache DNS server and DNSSEC disabled cache DNS server simultaneously. Since the overload of DNSSEC enabled cache DNS Server is high, thus the validation in the DNSSEC enabled cache DNS Server will be slow.On the other hand, the response from the DNSSEC disabled cache DNS Server will be fast and it need validation on the client.

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Considering the possible issues in the two approaches, in this paper, we propose a new method by using two cache DNS server in parallel. In the proposed system, we assume that DNSSEC validation feature is enabled on each end client by installing the client based DNSSEC validation system. In the proposed system, the first try of name resolution for a domain name will be validated on each end client and the same request will also be sent to an external cache DNS server with DNSSEC enabled in parallel. Since the DNSSEC validation on the cache DNS server will take time thus the results of the end client will be used while the result of the cache DNS server will be cached on its own. From the second time, the response from the external cache DNS server will be fast since the successfully validated DNS resource records have been cached. Consequently, the results from the external cache DNS server will be used.

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The second approach is that in addition to add a DNS sharing server, the DNS sharing server also performs DNSSEC validation before caching the updated DNS resource records. However, it needs complicated configuration on the DNS sharing server and the DNS sharing server needs to communicate with the external DNS servers in the Internet thus it may cause security concerns.

ICACT20220132 Slide.10        [Big Slide]       [YouTube] Chrome Click!!
The first approach we considered is to share successfully DNSSEC validated DNS resources records using a DNS sharing server. Each end client updates the successfully validated DNS resource records to the DNS sharing server using dynamic DNS update. Then each end client queries the DNS sharing server first in the domain name resolution and if there is no cache hit the end client will continue to query the external cache DNS server. However, this approach has a critical flaw that the malicious users or infected clients may add fake DNS resource records to the DNS sharing server. Moreover, although TSIG will be used in the dynamic DNS update, when the TSIG key is stolen it can be used maliciously.

ICACT20220132 Slide.09        [Big Slide]       [YouTube] Chrome Click!!
The objective of this paper is to accelerate name resolution on end clients by improving the cache hit rate.In addition to use the client based DNSSEC validation system, a method to share the successfully validated DNS resource records will be added. Specifically, the DNSSEC validation will be enabled on each end client and the each end client also uses the successfully validated DNS resource records achieved from external cache DNS server.

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Although the previous work can solve some existing issues in DNSSEC, it also causes another issue. In the previous system, each end client conducts DNSSEC validation and the results only store in the internal cache. It means that the successfully validated DNS resources records cannot be shared with other end clients. Accordingly, the system may cause low name resolution performance on end clients.

ICACT20220132 Slide.07        [Big Slide]       [YouTube] Chrome Click!!
In order to solve the existing issues of DNSSEC we have proposed a client based DNSSEC validation system.In the system, the DNSSEC validation will be conducted on each end client and the DNSSEC validation will be turned off. This system can solve some existing issues in DNSSEC such as the workload increase of cache DNS server and domain name resolution failure due to DNSSEC misconfiguration. In addition, the system also provides a function that displays a pop-up message to the users in case of DNSSEC validation failure and timeout.

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As an effective solution for cache poisoning attack, DNSSEC has been proposed and standardized. DNSSEC uses public cryptography and guarantees the integrity of DNS responses between cache DNS server and authoritative DNS server. As shown in this figure, the authoritative DNS server signs the zone file using its secret key and replies the corresponding DNS resource records with the signature and the public key to the cache DNS server. Then, the cache DNS server verifies the signature using the public key and check the integrity of the DNS response. Although DNSSEC can avoid cache poisoning attacks but it also cause some issues in terms of workload increase on cache DNS server and domain name resolution failure in case of DNSSEC validation failure.

ICACT20220132 Slide.05        [Big Slide]       [YouTube] Chrome Click!!
Although cache DNS server can improve domain name resolution performance, it has a well-known security concern named cache poisoning attack. The attacker can make cache DNS server add fake DNS resource records which make the client access malicious web sites. A normal cache DNS server has no function to verify the integrity of DNS responses.

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In domain name system, there are two types of DNS servers, authoritative DNS server and cache DNS server. Authoritative DNS server runs domain name management with authorization while cache DNS server provides name resolution service for the end clients. As shown in the figure, the client sends DNS query to the cache DNS server and the cache DNS server performs domain name resolution by querying each authoritative DNS server. Finally, the cache DNS server replies the answer back to the client.

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As you know well, IP addresses are necessary for the communication in the Internet but they are not appropriate for memorizing. Therefore domain names are mainly used instead for Internet users and service providers. Accordingly, domain name system is necessary for the translation between IP addresses and domain names.

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Here is the outline of my presentation.

ICACT20220132 Slide.01        [Big Slide]       [YouTube] Chrome Click!!
My name is Yong Jin from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, today, I am going to talk about acceleration of a client based DNSSEC validation system in parallel with two full-service resolvers".