IEEE/ICACT20230069 Slide.02        [Big Slide]       Oral Presentation
Online review in an e-commerce is used to help potential user to make decision to buy. To make user easier to get the benefit of the online review, the design of the online review must consider user behavior when interacting with the online review. User information behavior can be used in e-commerce to observe the best experience for user when interacting with e-commerce. To support the decision to buy, the information detail of a product in the review section can be add with more detailed information and also make information about product rating easier to find. Based on our experience, when compared to a focused product review platform in Indonesia, online review features in one of the biggest e-commerce platforms in Indonesia lacked the aforementioned detail aspects. Therefore, in this study we redesigned the online review feature by adding more detailed information and considering user information behavior. In addition, to get validated learning from users to reduce the risk to build not optimal product, in this research we used the build-measure-learn approach from the lean startup as a method to redesign an existing online review feature from one of the biggest e-commerce platforms in Indonesia.

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