IEEE/ICACT20220314 Slide.08        [Big Slide]       [YouTube] Oral Presentation
Lastly, in the IoTID20, which has been generated in a simulated smart home testbed, it includes the binary, category, and subcategory. Binary includes normal, and anomaly. In the anomaly it has a DoS, Mirai, Man-in-the-middle attack, and the scanning. In the subcategory, it has TCP SYN Flooding, Brute Force attack, HTTP Flooding, UDP Flooding, ARP Spoofing, Host Port and OS attacks. In the MQTT-IoT-IDS2020, it includes the MQTT related benign or attack by experimenting on the IDS for IoT models. It includes Generic scanning, User Datagram Protocol scan, MQTT brute force, and SSH brute force attacks.

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