IEEE/ICACT20230246 Slide.16        [Big Slide]       [YouTube] Oral Presentation
In the context of mobile vehicular communication, the channel parameters vary quickly with the increase of the vehicle speed. According to the characteristics of the DCNN method, it has good robustness to the variation of channel parameters. Fig. 7 shows the effect of vehicle speed on the NMSE performance at SNR = 5 dB, 10 dB and 15 dB. It is seen that the NMSE performance gradually decreases when SNR increases at the same speed. When the SNR is fixed, the vehicle speed increases from 40 km/h to 120 km/h, but the NMSE performance is almost unchanged. This is because the DCNN method has a strong adaptability to the variable channel parameters. Therefore, the DCNN method proposed in this paper has good robustness under different vehicle speeds, which can realize the channel estimation with high accuracy even when the vehicle speed is changed and enhance the reliability of communication in the vehicular communication scenarios.

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