IEEE/ICACT20230069 Slide.18        [Big Slide]       Oral Presentation
Based on the above results, the addition of the description and more detailed product information in the review section, make participants to more preferable in using the redesign. It explains why the participants had lower misclick rate in the redesign and higher average success (compared to original design). These results were supported with heatmap (in the paper) showing that the redesign gave direct rating information (added information). We found that 83% participants read the review when they search a product information in the e-commerce to find the product detail. In addition, all participants agreed that the product review can help them to get more detailed information on the searched products. All participants also agreed that the multiple filter can help them to get more specific product information faster, compared to only use one filter at the same time (a single filter feature). Therefore, these measurement results show that our redesign had supported the user information behavior when users use and interact with the e-commerce¡¯s online review feature.

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