IEEE/ICACT20230069 Slide.20        [Big Slide]       Oral Presentation
This research aimed to redesign and improve the online review feature on one of the biggest e-commerce in Indonesia. The build-measure-learn was used to redesign it because the method can get a fast feedback and validated learning. In the build stage, we departed from the hypothesis that the online review feature was redesigned because the information lacks detail. Therefore, we used design aspects for the online review supported by the previous work. In the measure stage, we used an initial usability testing to test the build results and to get rapid feedback. The feedback was evaluated in the learn stage. In the learn, we decided to only have one iteration because the results showed that the redesign was better than the original design, had answer the hypothesis and have had in accordance with user information behavior theory in e-commerce. Therefore, the redesign has successfully met the acceptance criteria for the redesign.

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