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7, KEYWORDS => IoT => Blockchain => Artificial Intelligence => Healthcare => Extended Reality => Metaverse.

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6, CONCLUSION => We are very stoked that we can contribute to the beautiful new world. => On a final note, technology giants such as Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Google, and many gaming companies have ambitious plans for materializing the metaverse. => In this paper, we discuss the technological roadmap of metaverse technology and the medical domain activities of the metaverse.

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5, FUTURE WORK => This is our primary architecture, and we will Modify it (Depending on project demand). => We are working (Metaverse Group, Human Computer Interaction Research Lab, Inje University). => In the future, we will make meta-application for patients, by using this application we will collect patients' health data, and store data in metaverse cloud. => Patients can plan treatment for won, can select treatment, and apply her/his self-using Meta-devices.

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4. Treatment using Metaverse Technology (cont.) => Then Metaverse will plan for a treatment and Then metaverse will perform with treatment planning.

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4. Treatment using Metaverse Technology => In this figure we shown our Proposed Process for Patients General Treatment using Metaverse Technologies. => Fastly we will define patient's objective and then we collect patient¡¯s information using our applications. => After getting patients information send it to Metaverse world and make it as virtual 3D data. => Now we will select VR or AR which is necessary for patients.

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3. METAVERSE in MEDICAL DOMAIN (cont.) => VR, AR headsets are utilized to see vital real-time patient data such as heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure, and breathing rate, in addition to pre-operative images from CT, MRI, and 3D scans. => Virtual Reality is highly using for effective medical training, Pain Management and for medical education. => Augmented reality is currently being used by nurses and physicians to improve vein detection. This solves the challenge of finding a vein for many people, even if their skin is heavily pigmented or their blood veins are small.

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3. METAVERSE in MEDICAL DOMAIN (cont.) => Metaverse Activities in Healthcare •Remote surgery, telepresence, augmented reality surgery •3D human anatomy models for education, visualization diagnosis, and planning •Architectural design for healthcare facilities •Preventive medicine and patient education •Haptic aided rehabilitation Visualization of massive medical databases.

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3, METAVERSE in MEDICAL DOMAIN => VR, AR headsets are utilized to see vital real-time patient data such as heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure, and breathing rate, in addition to pre-operative images from CT, MRI, and 3D scans. => Virtual Reality is highly using for effective medical training, Pain Management and for medical education. => Augmented reality is currently being used by nurses and physicians to improve vein detection. This solves the challenge of finding a vein for many people, even if their skin is heavily pigmented or their blood veins are small.

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2, METAVERSE TECHNIQUE (cont.) => Metaverse video game platform using the real-time rendering for metaverse avatar, because of the reality of avatar. => 3D rendering is the process of producing an image based on three-dimensional data stored on our computer.

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2, METAVERSE TECHNIQUE (cont.) => Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality a technology that blends the digital and real worlds. => It uses computer vision to recognize real-world surfaces and objects using technologies such as object recognition, plane detection, facial recognition, and movement tracking, among others. => A Brain Computer Interface system consists of 4 sequential components: signal acquisition, feature extraction, feature translation, and device output. => These 4 components are controlled by an operating protocol that defines the onset and timing of operation, the details of signal processing, the nature of the device commands, and the oversight of performance.

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2, METAVERSE TECHNIQUE (cont.) => The Metaverse will serve as a bridge between the physical and digital worlds, inextricably linked to support for identity modeling, decentralization technology and social computing. => Every part of the Metaverse believes in the concept of decentralization, which needs the help of the underlying technology of decentralization to ensure the security and operation of the Metaverse. => Metaverse social computing included avatar description, avatar identification, avatar interaction, and avatar organizational work.

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2, METAVERSE TECHNIQUE (cont.) => The metaverse is defined as a virtual space where users can interact with 3D digital objects and 3D virtual avatars of each other in a complex manner that mimics the real world, hold thing developed using artificial intelligence techniques. => The three elements of AI, namely data, algorithm, and computing power, play a vital role in the establishment and development of the Metaverse. => Utilizing computer vision, intelligence voice, natural language processing, and other technologies, users have the same visual and auditory sensations as in the real world. => The ultimate form of the Metaverse is the parallel digital space-time continuum of real human society, so consistent spatio-temporal data is critical for mapping between the real world and the Metaverse.

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2, METAVERSE TECHNIQUE (cont.) => The fifth generation (5G) and the sixth generation (6G) are the communication foundation of the Metaverse. => In the 5G and 6G network environment, quantum communication ensures the communication security in the Metaverse. => IoT sensing provides users with a completely real, lasting, and smooth interactive experience that bridges the Metaverse and the real world. => Cloud computing, edge computing, and other computing paradigms can promote the development of computing power to some extent and becoming the main infrastructure of the Metaverse.

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2, METAVERSE TECHNIQUE (cont.) Figure 1. A complete Technological Roadmap of Metaverse

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2, METAVERSE TECHNIQUE => The Metaverse contains elements of all four scenarios. Figure 1 shows the technological roadmap of Metaverse. 1, Communication Computing Infrastructure 2, Fundamental Technology 3, Virtual Reality Object Connection 4, Virtual Reality Space Convergence.

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1, INTRODUCTION (cont.) => VR is a technology that substitutes one¡¯s vision of the physical world with a digitally produced scene using software and headgear devices. => AR is a technology that combines the digital and physical worlds. It uses computer vision techniques such as object recognition, plane detection, facial recognition, and movement tracking to recognize real-world surfaces and objects. => Using VR, AR, and MR technology doctors make their dream smart digital operation theatre healthcare, where everyone can watch live patient operation which looks like real operations. => In this study, we are going to describe what technologies metaverse is using and metaverse potentiality in medical healthcare and a uncomplete proposed approach.

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1, INTRODUCTION => Recent era, technology is rapidly changing the way we interact with the physical world around us. => Metaverse is the upcoming new big tech changes in the tech industry, it is defined as a collection of technology gadgets. => The Metaverse is a virtual shared space that everyone can access. It¡¯s a catch-all term that refers to the entire digital and virtual world. => Metaverse, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are invading healthcare, medicine, and innovative technologies based on AR and VR are emerging to improve medical education and training as well as processes and procedures.

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My Topics Index¡¯s is • Introduction • Metaverse Techniques • Metaverse in Medical Domain • Treatment using Metaverse Technology • Conclusion

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Hello everyone, this is Md Ariful Islam Mozumder from Human Computer Interaction lab, department of Digital Anti-Aging Healthcare, Inje university, South Korea. My Presentation on ¡°Overview: Technology Roadmap of the Future Trend of Metaverse based on IoT, Blockchain, AI Technique, and Medical Domain Metaverse Activity¡±. I have Cooperated with Muhammad Mohsan Sheeraz, Ali Athar, Satyabrata Aich (Supervisor) and Hee-Cheol Kim (Supervisor).