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General Chair | Organizing and Technical Program Committee Chairs

Message from the Organizing and Technical Program Committee Chairs

We would like to welcome to ICACT2009! It is a great pleasure to host this 11th ICACT conference in Korea which is one of the countries recently drawing much attention in the world arena of the most advanced ICT convergence infrastructure. On February 29, 2008, the Korea Communications Commission (KCC) as the government agency responsible for broadcasting and communications policies and regulations has been newly established after consolidating the former Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) and the Korean Broadcasting Commission (KBC). Therefore, KCC will promote the various ICT convergence matters more efficiently than before. Korea has richly benefited from deploying the high-speed Internet and Cellular networks providing various IT services all over the country. Approximately 98.4%, i.e. 15.5 millions, of Korean households use the high-speed Internet services, and 93%, i.e. 45.5 millions, of Korean people also use the cellular mobile phones now. Korean Wireless Broadband (WiBro) and Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (DMB) technologies have been adopted as the recommendations in the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). ITU has announced yearly that Korea topped the list of countries in the Digital Opportunity Index (DOI) for several consecutive years since 2005.
ICACT is an IEEE-sponsored annual conference providing an open forum for researchers, engineers, policy makers, network planners, and service providers in telecommunications. Extensive exchange of information will be provided on newly emerging systems, standards, regulations, services, and variety of applications in the area of telecommunications. Under the theme of ¡°Ubiquitous ICT convergence makes life better!¡±, ICACT 2009 consists of a plenary session with two keynote speeches by remarkable world experts, a tutorial session with 2 interesting subjects, and 71 technical sessions including 5 poster sessions. The TPC carefully selected a limited number of 466 papers from 27 countries to be presented in the technical sessions. We hope these technical sessions will help you obtain better insights into the latest trends and directions for the competitive communications and Internet markets. We believe that ICACT2009 will provide an abundance of intelligent debate and information exchange, and a look at what is new in the field and technology.
Thank you everyone who has contributed to the technical program - the authors, the reviewers, the technical program committee members and local arrangement & registration committee members for their terrific work in collecting and editing the papers. On behalf of the Organizing and Technical Program Committees, we wish you a productive and enjoyable conference. ICACT2009

Dr. Thomas Byeong-Nam Yoon, Organization Committee Chair
Dr. Hyeong-Ho Lee, Technical Program Committee Chair
¨Ï Copyright 1999. ICACT (ISSN 1738-9445) & Global IT Research Institute(GiRI) All rights Reserved. Contact: office (at) icact . org Tel:+82-70-4146-4991
1713 Obelisk, 216 Seohyunno, Bundang-gu, Sungnam Kyunggi-do, Republic of Korea 13591
Business License Number : 220-82-07506, President: Thomas ByeongNam Yoon Ph.D.   
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